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Gwyrdd i Gychwyn / Green for Go
Dual Literacy

Gwyrdd i Gychwyn/Green for Go is an age-appropriate Dual-Literacy and Language programme developed for Lower Key Stage 2 and children with ALN throughout Key Stage 2. It is also suitable for EAL children, and mitigates the impact of Covid 19 on the children’s education.

The evidence- based programme (teaching and learning through structured stories) combines creativity with basic skills and the learner’s own drawings are an integral part of the programme. The four strands of language (speaking, writing, reading and listening) are taught as one unit, which ensures that the persistent gap between writing and reading is eliminated.

Teaching and learning is simplified to ensure that the children understand, retain and apply the skills. The programme motivates boys as well as girls, accelerates the achievements of learners with additional learning needs, and provides opportunities to challenge the able and talented.

The programme nurtures the children’s home language, while developing language and literacy in the other language – Welsh for English medium schools and English for Welsh medium schools, ensuring continuous progression and the ability to transfer the skills from one language to the other.

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